The service makes crystal-clear voice and video calls through Wi-Fi at no additional cost.New Delhi: Taking on Airtel, Reliance Jio on Wednesday announced the availability of nation-wide Voice and Video over Wi-Fi service which will work on any Wi-Fi, anywhere in India and supports over 150 handset models.The service makes crystal-clear voice and video calls through Wi-Fi at no additional cost."To further reinforce its customer-obsession and offer the best products and experience to its consumers, Jio today announced the launch of nation-wide Voice and Video over Wi-Fi service.
Jio has been testing this service over the past few months, to provide a robust experience to every customer at launch," the company said.The key differentiators that come with Jio Wi-Fi Calling, Jio said, are that customers can use any Wi-Fi network for Jio Wi-Fi-calling and the voice and video calls will seamlessly switch over between VoLTE and Wi-Fi to provide an enhanced voice/video-calling experience."Jio Wi-Fi calling works on the largest ecosystem of handsets.
Jio customers can also make Video over Wi-Fi calls and all of this comes at no additional cost!" it said.On the launch of this service, Jio Director Akash Ambani said, "At Jio, we are constantly innovating to enhance customer experience or solve their problems.
At this juncture, when an average Jio consumer uses over 900 minutes of voice calls every month, and at a growing base of consumers, the launch of Jio Wi-Fi Calling will further enhance every Jio consumer's voice-calling experience, which is already a benchmark for the industry with India's-first all VoLTE network."To enable Jio Wi-Fi Calling, a step-by-step guide has been made available on and Jio Wi-Fi Calling will be enabled pan-India between January 7 and 16, 2020, it said.
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